Wholesale Registration
If you already have a business account with an established ordering history with us, and are unsure if you need to apply, please contact us at orders@fosterfarmbotanicals.com and we will be happy to help.
- If applicable in your state, you will be required to fill out additional forms and submit additional documents to qualify for tax exemption that may be necessary to maintain your wholesale account status. You can attach any applicable documents in your application.
- Your business must be tax-exempt as a registered reseller, wholesaler, and/or manufacturer in the state/s where you do business in order to qualify for our wholesale program.
- You must be a business that is purchasing product for retail, resale, or manufacturing of goods to be a wholesale account holder.
- The minimum order for wholesale customers is $250
- The minimum order for net 30 terms is $500
To resgister as a wholesale customer please email:
orders@fosterfarmbotanicals.com with the following information:
- Your Name
- Business Name
- Website
- Email Address
- A brief description of your business.
We can’t wait to work with you!